Thursday, September 26, 2019

Your job vs. God's job

How many times has our words or actions caused a human to walk away from Christ? Leave a church? Become hurt and doubt their faith? Spread gossip against another? Etc.
Judging only causes them to run farther away and, in most cases, never return.
Loving them is when they become open to hearing you and can then speak into their lives where they will receive it.
Only God can change a heart.
That’s not up to us.
I’m so glad He never gave us that kind of power, because we are all just humans. We all mess up and make mistakes. Every single day.
The greatest commandment is this: Love one another as I have loved you.
Look at how much we’ve messed up, yet He still loves us. Who are we to determine who does or doesn’t deserve love?
Jesus truly is the greatest example!
Look who he chose to hang out with. They were society’s worst at the time. Yet He saw their potential and chose to simply love them. They, in turn, followed Him. It’s sad how many Christians have taken on the example of the Pharisees instead of Jesus.
Our reactions and responses to those who are not like us can have a huge impact. It is the crossroads for most individuals.
Your actions, reactions, and words can be life or death. Maybe not physically (although that is becoming more and more common), but, most importantly, spiritual.
It’s our job to love. It’s God’s job to change.