Monday, February 8, 2016

To Submit or Not Submit

Uh oh....The "S" word. 

I can already see the eyes rolling and hear the groans of disgust. 

Hear me out! 

There's actually pretty good news in here that may just change your life and you can thank me later.

Now ladies, I get it.

This is the 21st century!

Woman are independent and can handle life just fine on their own with the "I don't need no man" and "Ain't no man gonna tell me what to do" girl-power mindset making even the idea of "submission" seem like an ancient form of torture.

Now I know...I'm single so what do I know, right?

Take it or leave it. It won't bother me a bit. But...

What if I told you it is very possible to be a modern, independent, confident woman AND be submissive to a man.

True story.

The thing is, we have been given a completely false view on what submission is. Submission is not demeaning and weakness. Far from it!

You see, Men are natural born leaders. God created them that way for a specific purpose. The misconstrued idea of submission has unfortunately turned our men from their God-given role as leaders into spineless jellyfish who can no longer make a decision and have become content allowing the woman to run the place.

Ladies, that's messed up. and really not attractive.

We have been given an amazing and important job, by God, to help our men become the greatest leaders that they can be! It is an honor and a privilege that God would entrust us with this awesome opportunity! 

The man is the head of the home and the woman is the heart.

Do you realize how awesome that is?! It's a huge responsibility and can determine the very environment of your entire household, whether it be full of peace and joy or "Dear God help me! I'm gonna kill 'em."

It seems women today have been gravely misinformed on just how important our submissive role really is. It is not weakness at all! It actually takes a strong woman to be submissive.

It's a choice.

Now, granted, you may not fully agree with everything your man decides, but when you're faithfully praying for him (that should just be a given) and you allow him to be the Man, that right there is obedience that God will honor and bless which will result in very few, if any, disagreements as God will direct his steps...not you.

So often we "think" we know what's best, but c'mon girls...let's be real.

Submission is super important as it allows us to be woman of God in meekness, support, love, gentleness, and joyfulness.

It literally makes you a better person!

Your household will thank you and you will find yourself a much happier person. 

It's not the "barefoot, sack-dress, unwashed slave" with her head down in shame, blindly following orders as if she is beneath the man and not worthy to speak.

Not even close!

It is the joyful woman who is confident in her important God-given role and who is brave and strong enough to help her man become a great leader for her and her children!

So ditch the girl-power attitude and embrace the honored position of a submissive and loving woman after God's own heart!

Let's help our men be men and allow them to become leaders that will change the world for God's glory!

"Behind every great man is an even greater woman lifting him up to his fullest potential"