Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What a Decade can do

10 years.
This comparison has a lot of powerful meaning to me. I see more than most would, simply because I lived it. The biggest feature that stands out the most to me personally, and that caught my attention, is the eyes. They say the eyes are the “windows to the soul” and one can tell a lot about a person in their eyes.
They’re not wrong.
The eyes hold more than what our voices can say. It’s a direct link to what’s inside.
What I see in my eyes from ‘09 is pain, fear, insecurity, trapped, caged, and almost a silent cry for help.
And that’s exactly what was there.
No one knew the “behind the scenes” more than the K kids. Even our closest friends at the time had, and still have, no idea what daily life was like and what happened behind closed doors when the “church face” was put away. Just because someone holds a “ministry title” does not make them good, moral, decent, and even Christ-like. (You may wanna read that sentence again)
Now, 10yrs later, I see something very different in those eyes. I see confidence. Independence. Freedom. Worth. Brave. Fearless. Bold. Safe. Chain breaker. Survivor. Healing. Guarded. Warrior. Advocate. And one who absolutely refuses to allow anyone to beat her down physically, mentally, and emotionally ever again.
A lot can happen in 10yrs. I’ve come a long way. I’ve beaten the odds. My life looks nothing like what it was 10yrs ago. Had I been told then where I’d be today, I never would’ve believed it. I would’ve been far too afraid to even contemplate the mere possibility. Thru it all, the only constant in my life was and is God. He never failed.
What will the next 10yrs bring? Most people wish for money, fame, relationship, status, material things. I, however, only wish for one thing.
That’s it. To be genuinely happy is the greatest goal for, with it, everything else matters less because you are right where you are meant to be.
If you can learn one thing from this, let it be that you are never stuck. You have the ability and the strength to change your situation, to better yourself, to beat the odds, to be genuinely happy.
A decade ends, another begins. What are you going to do with it?