Thursday, January 28, 2016

We Remember

January 28.

Holocaust Memorial Day.

The day when we stop and really take note of our lives and where our problems don't seem all so bad anymore. 

The day that we recall the millions of precious Jewish lives that were horrifically taken from this world simply because they were Jews.

The day we remember.

I have walked the halls of the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.
I have seen the graphic pictures, the pile of shoes that were collected before they were sent into the gas chamber, the look in the eyes of the men, women, and yes, even children moments before they're death. I have read the stories, quotes, and writings found carved on cellar walls. 

Those images are forever engraved in my mind and heart.

This was someone's reality.

I walked through replicas of the train cars they were transported in like livestock and even replicas of the gas chambers they were piled in while they thought it was a shower room instead.

I saw the very graphic life-like replica model of the step-by-step process. Though made of plastic and clay, seeing each step brought more tears. The mass arrival, a mix of men, women, and children. Standing in line for hours in the freezing cold as they were processed like animals. Being forced to remove all clothing, shoes, and wedding bands. Being filed into the very large room that had the appearance of showerheads covering the ceiling. It showed how they all crammed in as close as they could under the "showers", as they were led to believe that is exactly what it was.

By this point I was in full out sobs to the point where I was kneeling on the ground completely overwhelmed and overtaken with grief at the sight of these precious innocent people. The horrific reality they had to face was more than I could bear.

The hollow, lifeless eyes of the children stared back at me from the photographs on the wall.

These people were hated. Not because of anything they did, but because of who they were. 

Never Forget.

We are witnesses.

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