Friday, June 24, 2016

There comes a point in time where you simply have to walk away from those who do not add positivity to your life. Sometimes you have to say enough is enough and take back the joy that was taken from you. What you allow is what will continue. If you allow others to consistently judge, put you down, and speak negativity over your life, then you have, in essence, given them power that does not belong to them and it’s not healthy for you. It doesn’t matter if it is a relative, significant other, or friend – it is wrong and they must go. It is a sign of maturity and stability when you are able to take a stand for yourself and no longer allow others to affect how you view yourself or the person God is creating you to be. Never allow anyone to make you feel as though you’re not good enough or don’t match up to “their” standards and opinions. If they are not adding to your life, then they are taking something away. You are in charge. It’s time to get your focus on things that promote happiness, success, and positivity. Anything and anyone that is not helping you achieve your goals, uplift you in your self-esteem/worth/spiritual walk, and speak life over you simply does not belong. 

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