Thursday, June 4, 2015

Shine Your Light

A young woman came to me and told me something I will never forget. She said that every time she sees me she envisions God pouring grace, peace, mercy, hope, love, and joy on me like a fountain which then bursts out of me in all directions like rays of light capturing, touching, and affecting every soul around. She then, with tears in her eyes, said, "I want what you have. I want to be close enough to soak up everything I can. I want to learn from you so that I, too, may be that bright beacon that will change the world." I stood there stunned and in absolute awe as tears poured down my face. I looked back at my life and all that I was going thru during the past several months and I am completely amazed. She doesn't know my story. She doesn't know my struggles and trials. She doesn't know the countless nights spent crying myself to sleep while asking God for answers and understanding. Yet, THAT is what she saw. What a constant reminder that I am being watched intently by people I had no idea I was affecting. Had I allowed myself to quit and give up, I could have unknowingly hurt and possibly destroyed her. She was gleaning strength from me that God was pouring into my life.

 Sometimes the trials we go thru are not for us, but for others so we can help them by what we learned.

 What are you showing the world? Who is watching you?


  1. I just discovered your blog and am so thankful I did!! I'm reading each one right now. This one really touched me...would you mind if I share it?

  2. I just discovered your blog and am so thankful I did!! I'm reading each one right now. This one really touched me...would you mind if I share it?
