Friday, November 20, 2015

"Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say 
It is well, it is well with my soul"

Inner peace, through an implicit trust in the love of God, is the real evidence of a mature Christian faith. These powerful lyrics were written by Mr. Horatio E. Spafford. After suffering loss in the great Chicago fire of 1871 he decided to take his family on a vacation to Europe, but, due to urgent business, he was detained while his wife and 4 daughters went on ahead. Halfway across the Atlantic, the ship carrying his wife and daughters was struck and sunk. All four of the Spafford girls drowned. His wife was miraculously saved. Mr. Spafford, after hearing the news of his tragic loss, set sail immediately to rejoin his wife. When his ship passed by the approximate place where his daughters had drowned, he received comfort from God like no other that brought him the words 

"When peace like a river attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, it is well. It is well with my soul."

This is the kind of peace and trust I so desperately yearn to achieve in my life. That whatever trials God sees fit to put me through and whatever sorrows I have to face...I may be able to stand on the deck of my ship, look down at the waters of my trials, and say those words with confidence and true immersing peace and trust in Almighty God! I am learning to fully place my entire life and circumstances in His hands. God only has our best interests in mind and His plans are perfect even tho we cannot see the reason. He has never failed and He won't stop now!

Will I still have doubts? Yes.

Will I fail? Yes.

With God's strength and unchangeable love, I will come out on the other side victorious, stronger, and the woman He truly intended me to be. Help me, Lord!

It is well...

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